Our Story


Webby Washer was created from recognizing a need for a specialized washing tool for infants, babies and toddlers.  While we were bathing our second daughter, we noticed it was very difficult to get into all the nooks, crannies and folds in her skin, including between fingers, toes and under the neck.  We searched for something that would clean more effectively and intricately than a washcloth or loofah.  Everything we found was big and bulky and could not easily clean these sensitive, tight areas.  With a sketch on Ann's notepad and then a popsicle stick- sponge prototype, the Webby Washer was born. 

A little bit about our Family.  Ann is from Arkansas and Mike is from New Jersey, so in our family there are sometimes a mish mosh of regional differences.  Especially when it comes to pronouncing certain words!  We love spending time our two Daughters, Jolene 5 and Ava 3.  We also have two dogs that keep us busy, especially when the girls are trying to ride EllaB like a pony or taking Freddy on stroller rides. 

We hope you or someone you know will enjoy using the Webby Washer!  We made this product in the hopes of making bath time a little bit easier and keeping  your little ones a little bit cleaner!

Happy Bath Time!

Jova & Co.